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Creates a data.table from a rotated pole netcdf (as usually found in RCMs), which includes values and date. Useful for extracting e.g. the series for a station. Requires that dimension variables in netcdf file contain rlon and rlat, and that it contains daily data.


  interpolate_to_standard_calendar = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  add_grid_coord = FALSE



Complete path to .nc file.


Name of the variable to extract from filename (character).


Numeric longitude of the point to extract (decimal degrees).


Numeric latitude of the point to extract (decimal degrees).


Boolean, if TRUE will use map_non_standard_calendar to interpolate values to a standard calendar.


Boolean, if TRUE, will print more information.


Boolean, if TRUE, will add columns to the result which give the longitude and latitude of the underlying grid.


A data.table with two columns: the dates in date, and the values in a variable named after input variable. The date column is of class Date, unless the .nc file has a non-standard calendar (360, noleap) and interpolate_to_standard_calendar is set to FALSE, in which it will be character. If add_grid_coord is set to TRUE, then two more columns named grid_lon and grid_lat.


Calculates the euclidean distance, and takes the grid cell with minimal distance to point_lon and point_lat. Requires that the .nc file contains variables lon[rlon, rlat] and lat[rlon, rlat].


# example data from EURO-CORDEX (cropped for size)

# standard calendar
fn1 <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "eurocordexr")
dt1 <- rotpole_nc_point_to_dt(
  filename = fn1,
  variable = "tasmin",
  point_lon = 11.31,
  point_lat = 46.5,
  verbose = TRUE
#> Succesfully opened file: /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/eurocordexr/extdata/ 
#> Point longitude =  11.31  ## Closest grid cell =  11.30084 
#> Point latitude =  46.5  ## Closest grid cell =  46.52603 
#> Euclidean distance in degrees =  0.02759755 

# non-standard calendar (360)
fn2 <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "eurocordexr")

# read as is
dt2 <- rotpole_nc_point_to_dt(fn2, "tasmin", 11.31, 46.5)
str(dt2) # chr date
#> Classes ‘data.table’ and 'data.frame':	390 obs. of  2 variables:
#>  $ date  : chr  "1949-12-01" "1949-12-02" "1949-12-03" "1949-12-04" ...
#>  $ tasmin: num  264 263 262 270 275 ...
#>  - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr> 
dt2[86:94, ] # e.g. 30th of February in 360 calendar
#>          date   tasmin
#>        <char>    <num>
#> 1: 1950-02-26 273.2633
#> 2: 1950-02-27 272.6217
#> 3: 1950-02-28 266.5659
#> 4: 1950-02-29 262.9583
#> 5: 1950-02-30 264.9355
#> 6: 1950-03-01 268.0822
#> 7: 1950-03-02 266.9084
#> 8: 1950-03-03 267.9066
#> 9: 1950-03-04 266.9478

# interpolate to standard
dt3 <- rotpole_nc_point_to_dt(fn2, "tasmin", 11.31, 46.5,
                              interpolate_to_standard_calendar = TRUE)
str(dt3) # class Date
#> Classes ‘data.table’ and 'data.frame':	395 obs. of  2 variables:
#>  $ date  : Date, format: "1949-12-01" "1949-12-02" ...
#>  $ tasmin: num  264 263 262 270 275 ...
#>  - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr> 
dt3[86:94, ] # standard calender
#>          date   tasmin
#>        <Date>    <num>
#> 1: 1950-02-24 271.9780
#> 2: 1950-02-25 273.2633
#> 3: 1950-02-26 272.6217
#> 4: 1950-02-27 266.5659
#> 5: 1950-02-28 262.9583
#> 6: 1950-03-01 264.9355
#> 7: 1950-03-02 268.0822
#> 8: 1950-03-03 266.9084
#> 9: 1950-03-04 267.9066